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Trusting the CPM process

Why is it important to trust the CPM process? The short answer is because it works.  With so many unknowns coming out of surgery, the one thing you can count on is that continuous passive motion (CPM) will be your friend. The research backing CPM dates back to the 1960's when immobilization following surgery was the recommended approach. 


Since CPM research established the idea that joint movement following Total Knee Replacement surgery was critical for the supply of nutrients, CPM machines have been at the forefront of the recovery process.


CPM is the first thing you do following surgery. The motion gets your recovery started before you are able to do anything else. One of the advantages of a CPM machine is that you are able to use it from the hospital bed and then continue it at home on the sofa. They are safe, they reliable and they are stable. The CPM machine and the early process of movement provides a way for you to see light at the end of the tunnel. 


Contact for more information on at-home CPM machine rentals.