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How long do you use CPM?

The length of time you will be on your CPM Machine may depend on what your physician has prescribed and what is covered under your insurance. For example, medicare will only pay for 21 days of CPM use following your surgery. Three weeks of CPM treatment is a typical duration, however, many people choose to extend the use with a cash pay option once their insurance has concluded. 


The goal of a CPM machines is to increase your joint range of motion, decrease swelling and bring critical nutrients to the injured tissue. You will want to start slowly and develop short term and long term goals of speed and flexion/extension range of motion. A typical CPM machine will have a maximum flexion of about 120 degrees and a maximum extension of -10 degrees. 


The first week of CPM, you should start at 0 degrees of extension and shoot for 45 degrees of flexion. In week two, you should start at -5 degrees of extension and shoot for 90 degrees of flexion. And in week three, you should attempt to gain -10 degree of extension and 110-120 degree of flexion. 


If you are unable to achieve these flexion and extension goals within the 3 week time period, you should consider extending the CPM machine rental period. Companies, such as will arrange for a discounted cash pay option if your insurance denies renting it beyond 21 days.