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CPM Machines- otherwise known as..

CPM machines are searched by all kinds of keywords in Google. In our experience, the wide variety of search terms are all looking for the same machine. The confusion starts out because most people are not well informed or educated on the CPM Machine by their physician leading up to surgery. I have heard a number of people share an experience similar to mine: 

Soon after a soccer injury left me with an MRI finding of a 1.5cm full-thickness chondral fracture at the distal femur -- I soon realized I was in for a serious surgical procedure. My Orthopedic Surgeon performed an arthroplasty and microfracture procedure within a couple weeks of the diagnosis, but it wasn't until an hour after the surgery that I was told about a CPM Machine. My surgeon walked up to me an hour after my microfracture was complete and said, "Okay, everything went well and we removed the piece of cartilage and got some good pictures here to show you". The next thing I remember him saying was, " now your postoperative therapy will become really important and you need to be on a CPM machine immediately".


Once the anesthesia wore off and I was home and coherent, I googled CPM Machines and found a long list of websites and articles. I was confused and intrigued since my surgeon said I needed to be on one "immediately", yet provided me with no information. Feeling clueless is an understatement.


This article will help identify some of those search terms and help people understand what they are searching for. We have seen some of the most popular search terms recently pop up as CPM Machines, CPM knee, Knee CPM, motion machine, knee mobilizer, knee machine after surgery, post-surgical knee movement, etc.


The correct medical terms for CPM Machines are "Continuous Passive Motion" or CPM for short. The primary goal of a CPM Machine is to create passive motion in the joint immediately following surgery so the joint doesn't stiffen up. In addition, CPM machines work your joint to restore range of motion, reduce swelling, stimulate nutrients and decrease pain.


If you are ever concerned or confused on what to search for -- any number of domain combinations, such as,,,,, or -- will be sure to land you on a site that will explain in detail what it is. Good luck on your search!


For more information on a CPM Machine rental, you can visit: